¡Aprovecha descuentos en chorizo y carne!

El chorizo estilo Guerrero de Chorizo Vallarta es simplemente delicioso. La carne enchilada tiene un sabor increíble. ¡Altamente recomendados!

Juan Pérez

A round black plate contains three tacos filled with grilled meats and vegetables, surrounded by six small bowls of various colored sauces. The tacos are accompanied by grilled onions and slices of zucchini, and the sauces include red, yellow, green, and brown varieties.
A round black plate contains three tacos filled with grilled meats and vegetables, surrounded by six small bowls of various colored sauces. The tacos are accompanied by grilled onions and slices of zucchini, and the sauces include red, yellow, green, and brown varieties.
